Online Payments

Frequently asked questions

Why isn’t my reference number accepted?

Please check the reference on you notice and try again. If you continue to experience problems, it could be that your Notice/Report is yet to be submitted, please try again later.

No Record Found?

Please Spell your name exactly as it is stated in any documentation we have supplied you (either the paper notice or reminder letter).

I cant find my Reference Number!

Reference Number and Notice number are the same.

Why was my card declined? Why was my transaction not approved?

There could be an issue with your bank – you should contact them for more information.

Will there be a charge?

No, First South Yorkshire will not charge you any card handling fee to make an online payment.

How are my details protected and kept secure?

We consider maintaining confidentiality and security of payments to be of the utmost importance. All payment details are handled securely by employing the banking industry’s PCI Security Standards. These high security standards protect all payment information and are fully endorsed by VISA, MasterCard and American Express.